Friday, March 29, 2013

Dogwoods                                                                                                            March 29, 2013

One of my favorite springtime scenes are crisp white Dogwood blossoms gracing the dark outline of a leafless tree against a pure blue morning sky.  In Tallahassee, Florida where I live, this picture is repeated dozens of times each day as we drive city streets and neighborhoods, turning a corner and being blessed by a deliciously full, white cloud of pink-edged blossoms.

But this spring the Dogwoods didn’t bloom as usual.  Our own tree at the side of the street had only a few dozen pale blooms before the leaves grew in and took over.  I noticed that all through town other Dogwoods were similarly sparse in flowers, and wondered at this unusual turn of events.  “What happened?” I asked myself each time I saw a blossomless tree.

I’ve read that plants are affected by unseen changes—perhaps the winter was too long, or too short.  Perhaps a late spring freeze damaged fragile buds, or the season was too wet or too dry.  There are multiple variables at play, out of sight but surely seen in sometimes disappointing results like the Dogwoods.

The unseen spiritual world is also always at work, both holy and evil forces.  Last week I was keenly depressed one day by a factor at my workplace that continually seeks to destroy my spirit of optimism and hope.  I decided that I needed a change, either in the work that I do or the place where I work… not sure.  It was a question I’d been mulling over for some time, and I couldn’t figure out the wise thing to do.  All I knew was that I needed a new perspective, a fresh focus.

I removed myself from the situation by getting in my car, driving to a sunny spot (it was cold outside) and taking out my Bible.  God’s Word never fails to sustain me and to improve my attitude!  The scripture set aside for the day (in preparation for the Passover celebration) was Exodus 12, verses 1 thru 14.

In the New Living Translation, verses 1 and 2 read: While the Israelites were still in the land of Egypt, the Lord gave the following instructions to Moses and Aaron: From now on, this month will be the first month of the year for you.

Really?!  “From now on, this month will be the first month of the year for you.”  In my spirit I was stunned.  I knew I needed something new, a fresh beginning, and here was God’s Word—the Spirit Himself—confirming it to me.  It was just what I needed to hear, and I was calmed and filled with peace.

There are those among you who will cry, “How ridiculous!  It’s just a coincidence… that isn’t really “God talking” to you!”  I know you’ll say this, because I’ve heard it many times over the years.  “It’s a coincidence… you’re making more out of it than is real… God certainly doesn’t have time to pay that much individual attention to you.”

But for those of you who aren’t sure, who may be on the edge of believing that God does indeed have the time and the will (love) to pay individual and specific attention to you, I encourage you to have faith.  After all, faith believes in something that cannot be seen.

Just as Dogwood blossoms can be affected by unseen forces… just as my attitude was affected by an unseen force… just as truly does the unseen force of the Holy Spirit watch over you and prepare the way for you, even as simply as preparing for you to read the exact scripture you need at the moment.  How like a faithful God!

In this holy season of Easter, let yourself believe in miracles!  God prepared the Way of rescue two thousand years ago just as He prepares it today—let His Spirit draw you in to the very real unseen but surely felt embrace of His love.  You will experience new life and a joyous peace :o)

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