Sunday, August 23, 2015

Change is here                                                                   23 August 2015

I wonder… as I mulch the flower beds this morning, I ponder the events of the past few weeks.  Riots to demonstrate that “black lives matter,” the international ramifications of a nuclear power deal with Iran, the daily argument about what to do with more than 11 million illegal immigrants, and Americans who are enchanted with the hard-line, narcissistic personality of a Republican front runner for next year’s presidential election… wow.

I came of age in the 60’s, when “free love” and altered reality was the response of many to the frustrations of the day.  Out of frustration I joined in demonstrations against the war in Viet Nam, but also participated in cheering for the soldiers who made it home.  I loved the folk songs about justice and peace, and gave away hippie beads and peace necklaces, and I wore a POW bracelet for years.

The Holy Spirit made news in the 60s also, by sparking a revival that had millions of young people talking about Jesus, and how He could change the world from the inside out.  They rejected the religion of the mainline churches as too institutionalized and cut off from the power of a personal relationship with an almighty God.  They filled streets and airports, subways and college campuses across the country’s urban and suburban neighborhoods, handing out tracts and calling on their peers to give their hearts to Jesus.  As one also disillusioned with the Protestant church and its dry, hollow routine, I avoided these “Jesus freaks,” looking instead for a philosophical wisdom that could provide purpose and direction for my life.

Zip for that.  Nonetheless I was a seeker, and continue to seek until God Himself drew me in by His loving kindness in the early 80’s.  So here’s what I wonder about: with all of the frustration being doled out in American life today, isn’t it time for a new wind of change that will turn people’s hearts back to God?  What will it take?  How long before even more deaths and riots and empty political rhetoric grinds away the people’s resolve?  Peter, Paul and Mary sang Bob Dylan’s song, “How many deaths will it take ‘til he knows that too many people have died?” [1]

This morning in church we sang a new song, a song for this hour and this time.  The bridge of the song is a statement that rings true to my heart, and a reminder of the power at hand:

“And the King is among us
And His glory surrounds us
And His fire is falling as we sing

“And the Savior is for us
And His love is victorious
And revival is rising in His Name”[2]

We can be encouraged because the King of all kings is indeed among us here, even in our intensely divided and bitter society.  He alone can help us to heal our land, find compassionate solutions, and bring peace to homes and communities.  Change—His change—is upon us if we pray for it in His Name!

[1] "Blowin' in the Wind," written in 1962 by Bob Dylan.
[2] “The King is Among Us,” by Elevation Worship, 2015.

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